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Run the following command to install the package:

npm install @locospec/responsive-preview-react

Import the styles in your project:

@import "@locospec/responsive-preview-react/styles.css";

Note: You can also use yarn, pnpm etc.,

Preview Child Component

import { ChildPreview } from "@locospec/responsive-preview-react";

function App() {
return (
<Child />

<Child /> is any component, but for responsive to work properly, it should be a responsive component. You might use container queries of Tailwind to implement such a component.

Preview IFrame

import { IFramePreview } from "@locospec/responsive-preview-react";

function App() {
return <IFramePreview srcUrl="" />;

Every website doesn't support embedding into an iframe. If you see a blank screen, it's likely that the website has disabled embedding.